and why is the USDA keeping a secret?
Published on January 1, 2004 By whosisohw In Consumer Issues
A slaughtered cow with BSE (Mad Cow Disease) was discovered in Washington. Some of it came into Montana. The USDA says the list of distributors is proprietary information only being shared with government officials. Montana State government officials say they have received no information. There's a story at
Can anybody think of a good reason why the USDA wouldn't want consumers to know where possibly BSE-infected beef went to?
on Jan 01, 2004
I can think of several economical reasons why our government would lie or hold out on us. The economy is a frail glass awaiting one tiny/large incident to topple the scales that keep our economy on track. The destruction of the beef industry would create some serious waves within America. Espcially since beef is the cheapest meat and tons of people eat it every day in one form or another.
on Jan 01, 2004
So, some goofs in government figure they can avoid destroying our economy by withholding information. I think that's an interesting theory, and you may have part of the reason. However, I think if that's it, there just ain't no way it's going to work.
BTW, I enjoyed reading "tons of people." Thanks.